We actually got about 4 inches and it stuck around for 2 days! And when I say stuck, I literally mean stuck. It was the best snow I have ever played in for building snowmen and having snowball fights. You could just reach down and scoop up a handful of snow and it was already a giant packed snowball before you could even get it completely lifted up! We had many play times outside for those two days! Lots of wet clothes and cold toes and fingers. We also had lots of post-snow warm baths and cuddling by the fire under blankets. As a mom, I got tired of wiping wet puddles out of the floor, hanging up wet clothes to dry and bundling kids up in 20 layers. But it was all worth it knowing how happy it made them.
We built two snowmen...
had tons of snowball fights...
made snow angels....
Daddy even pulled the kids around the yard and in the field next door on their sleds with his lawnmower....
We can't wait for the next snow!
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